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Fun experiment

Posted by Michel Lundell on

A simple experiment to see the sensitivity of the device and that breath ketones are heavier than air. If you do this experiment, it is on your own risk. If you drop the device in liquid, or get liquid into the device, the warranty is voided.

1. What you need: Plastic bottle (~1.5 liters), your Ketonix device, Acetone and something that could make a drop of acetone.

What you need

2. Fill the bottle to about half with water ( close to 37 degree celsius), and 
put one drop of acetone into the bottle.

one drop of acetone into the half full plastic bottle
3. Put the lid on and shake the bottle for a minute.

put lid on the bottle and shake it for a minute
5. Set the bottle on the table and take of the lid. Power and connect your Ketonix to the app.

connect ketonix to the app

6. Once the Ketonix is connected to the app and ready to measure, put the ketonix onto the bottle.

Then squeeze the bottle so the liquid goes up a few centimeters

With the Ketonix ontop of the bottle, squeeze the bottle a little.
7. Hold the squeeze for now and look at the gauge in the app.

8. Now squeeze a little more and watch how the gauge indicates higher PPM values.

squeeze a little more and watch the gauge moving.

This experiment shows that the concentration is in the bottom of the volume. It also shows how sensitive the device is.

Have fun, and make sure you don't drop the ketonix into the bottle with liquids.

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